Rejected Journal Papers

  1. Lingxi Xie, Qi Tian and Bo Zhang, "Feature Pooling and Normalization: Simple Techniques that Make Sense", rejected by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2014. Later accepted to TCSVT.
  2. Lingxi Xie, Qi Tian, Wengang Zhou and Bo Zhang, "Heterogeneous Graph Propagation for Large-Scale Image Search", rejected by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2014. Later accepted to TIP.

Rejected Conference Papers

  1. Jianyu Wang*, Cihang Xie*, Zhishuai Zhang*, Lingxi Xie and Alan Yuille, "Detecting Semantic Parts on Partially Occluded Objects", rejected by International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2017. Later accepted to BMVC 2017.
  2. Yuyin Zhou, Lingxi Xie, Wei Shen, Elliot Fishman and Alan Yuille, "Pancreas Segmentation in Abdominal CT Scan: A Coarse-to-Fine Approach", rejected by IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI), 2017. Later accepted to MICCAI 2017.
  3. Lingxi Xie and Alan Yuille, "Genetic CNN", rejected by IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017. Later accepted to ICCV 2017.
  4. Jianyu Wang*, Cihang Xie*, Zhishuai Zhang*, Lingxi Xie and Alan Yuille, "Detecting Semantic Parts on Partially Occluded Rigid Objects", rejected by IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017. Later submitted to IJCAI 2017.
  5. Zhuotun Zhu, Lingxi Xie and Alan Yuille, "Object Recognition with and without Objects", rejected by IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017. Later accepted to IJCAI 2017.
  6. Lingxi Xie, Jingdong Wang, Bo Zhang and Qi Tian, "DropLabel: Regularizing CNN on the Loss Layer", rejected by Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2015. Later accepted to CVPR 2016.
  7. Lingxi Xie, Jingdong Wang, Weiyao Lin, Yanqing Xu, Bo Zhang and Qi Tian, "Webpage Popularity vs. Aesthetics: A Case Study Based on Visual Content Analysis", rejected by ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM), 2015. Still working.
  8. Lingxi Xie, Jingdong Wang, Bo Zhang and Qi Tian, "What Makes a Webpage Better: A Case Study with Image Classification", rejected by IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015. Later submitted to ACMMM 2015.
  9. Lingxi Xie, Jingdong Wang, Bo Zhang and Qi Tian, "RIDE: Reversal Invariant Descriptor Enhancement", rejected by IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015. Later accepted to ICCV 2015.
  10. Lingxi Xie, Jingdong Wang, Bo Zhang and Qi Tian, "Fine-Grained Image Search", rejected by ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM), 2014. Later accepted to TMM.
  11. Lingxi Xie, Qi Tian, Wengang Zhou and Bo Zhang, "Heterogeneous Graph Propagation for Large-Scale Image Search", rejected by European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2014. Later submitted to TMM.
  12. Lingxi Xie, Qi Tian and Bo Zhang, "Generalized Regular Spatial Pooling for Image Classification", rejected by IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2014. Later accepted to ICASSP 2015.
  13. Lingxi Xie, Jingdong Wang, Bo Zhang and Qi Tian, "Fine-Grained Image Search", rejected by IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014. Later submitted to ACMMM 2014.
  14. Lingxi Xie, Qi Tian, Wengang Zhou and Bo Zhang, "Heterogeneous Graph Propagation for Large-Scale Image Search", rejected by IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014. Later submitted to ECCV 2014.
  15. Lingxi Xie, Qi Tian, Wengang Zhou and Bo Zhang, "Efficient Near-Duplicate Image Search with Iterative Feature Expansion", rejected by IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2013. Later submitted to CVPR 2014.
  16. Lingxi Xie, Xiaolin Hu, Qi Tian and Bo Zhang, "Hierarchical SIFT Descriptors for Image Classification", rejected by Advances in Neuron Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2013. Later appears as a technical report.
  17. Lingxi Xie, Qi Tian, Wengang Zhou and Bo Zhang, "ImageWeb: Bringing Order into Large-Scale Image Search", rejected by IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2013. Later accepted to CVIU.
  18. Lingxi Xie, Qi Tian, Wengang Zhou and Bo Zhang, "Let Images Speak Themselves: Surfing the Image Network", rejected by ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM), 2013. Later submitted to ICDM 2013.
  19. Lingxi Xie, Qi Tian, Shuicheng Yan and Bo Zhang, "Hierarchical Part Matching for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization", rejected by IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013. Later accepted to ICCV 2013.
  20. Lingxi Xie, Qi Tian and Bo Zhang, "Geoemtric Phrase Pooling for Image Classification", rejected by European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2012. Later accepted to TIP.
  21. Lingxi Xie, Qi Tian and Bo Zhang, "Geoemtric Phrase Pooling for Image Classification", rejected by IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2012. Later submitted to ECCV 2012.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I feel sad for rejection?
  • Of course!
  • What is the main reason of being rejected?
  • It differs from case to case. If your paper produces bad/trivial/wrong results: idea. If your paper reads bad: writing. If your paper belongs to the borderline case: bad luck (in Chinese, we say that your "Ren-Pin" is not good enough :D).
  • How do you battle with luck (i.e., Ren-Pin)?
  • Your luck is consumed with each acceptance (and accumulates with each rejection). For compensation, you can invite your friends to a dinner (and pay for it!) after your paper is accepted.
  • What shall I do after rejection?
  • Read the comments carefully, revise the paper, and submit it to the next conference or journal. Or you can choose to cry until you think it has moved the reviewers :D